This is my normal face, I was born this way.
*Frequently Asked Questions
Why are you a life coach?
There is simply no way for me not to be a life coach. My only other viable career path is super villain. It would be unfair of me to take advantage of my impressive insight and abilities for anything other than selling you evolutionary aids. This is part of my shamanic monastic oath.
How are you better than other life coaches?
Some life coaches study with jungle shamans, some live among monks, others still spend weeks gaining online certifications and life experience doctorate ordinations. I am the only life coach to have done all three of these.
Why would you trust a life coach who only studied with jungle shamans or only studied with mountain monks or just trained to be a life coach online?
Aren't your problems the kind that deserve to be solved by someone who knows what they are doing?
Can I schedule a personal coaching session?
You must. To do so simply email me and I will reply.
I'm not sure what is wrong with me. Can you help?
I may be able to help. My book “What Is Wrong With You? An Introduction to What is Wrong with You” addresses the very issue that you are concerned about.
Why are your seminars always held in bad neighborhoods?
They are not bad neighborhoods. They are in the process of being gentrified. The reason my seminars are often held in neighborhoods that are in the process of being gentrified is that the hotels in those areas tend to allow you rent the room by the hour. Many hotels insist you rent the room for the entire night. Since the seminars only last a few hours I am able to keep the admission fee affordable by only paying for what I need.